About 4 Big Cats

My name is Scott Mitchell, I'm the founder of 4 Big Cats. I have had a love for Big Cat since I was a child. Recently I took a trip to South Africa to go on a photo safari and  I visited several facilities that house a variety of Big Cats. In doing so it has reignited my love for them. And I have to admit, there's a big difference between seeing them in the zoo and standing next to them in their environment. In many ways there alot like domestic cats, with different personalities and attitudes. 

Unfortunately my research and communications with various facilities and organizations has taught me that there has been a serious decline on all the species over the last 50 years. Some have actually reached critically endangered.

Several countries in Africa permit Big Game hunting that includes almost all species of cats to bring in revenue. Countries including the US have permitted something called "Canned Hunting" Of Big Cats and other species. Mainly for animals not considered endangered yet, like a Lion for instance. It requires absolutely no skill to do this type of hunt. But they get to pose with the animal after there "Hunt" If you want to learn more I would suggest you look it up online.....just brace yourself.

This world has given us so many incredible animals that we have hunted and poached into extinction just over that last century and a half mostly based on greed. It's our responsibility as the human animal to step back to hold our selves accountable and responsible for these creatures we share this world with.

We only have this one world....this one chance.